Who We Are

Sexy Diva World, Inc. is a female empowerment company created to transform the world into a Sexy Diva World. A world that powerful women are viewed as the Prize and the listening of powerful women is transformed. When a woman operates as her authentic self, Sexy Diva, stands in her authentic power, her feminine energy, without shrinking or playing small, she is a magnetic force and a contribution to the world.
The Sexy Diva World, Inc. platform is the playground and catalyst for you to heal your heart and emotional trauma, embrace self-love, mindset shifts, self-discovery, self-confidence, inspired actions, foster connections, and sisterhood with like-minded women in a safe space. The Company empowers and inspires women worldwide to Release, Transform, Emerge, and Transcend beyond limits through divinely inspired, thought-provoking, and transformative annual Self-love and Sisterhood Summits, annual Metamorphosis Retreats, quarterly Self-love and Sisterhood Retreats, monthly support groups (Sexy Diva Squad and Intimacy, Love & Sex Crew), monthly podcasts, books, website, merchandise, weekly activities via social media. The Diva in Training Foundation supports single moms and empowers teenage girls to embrace self-love, build confidence, and boost self-esteem. Join Sexy Diva World, Inc. Unleash your Sexy Diva, create a life you love, live life to the fullest with extraordinary love, laughter and heartfelt joy in alignment with your highest self and purpose.

Charlene Taylor is a two-time NPC Bodybuilding champion and a top ten fitness competitor featured on Channel 2 KPRC-TV. She is a fierce Liberian Lioness committed to spread love, inspire, and empower women worldwide to discover their authentic self, embrace their inner Sexy Diva and create a life they love in a Sexy Diva World. Charlene has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. She is currently a Success Strategist and the Chief Executive Officer of Ace Compliance Consulting, Social Gym Club, Inc, and the Sexy Diva World brand.
Saving the best for last, her greatest accomplishment and gift is being a mommy to her brilliant and amazing daughter who has been the spark for her growth, expansion, and transformation into the best version of herself—a beautiful butterfly.

“Hello, Sexy Diva, yes YOU. The Sexy Diva platform is created just for you. It’s designed to result in paradigm shifts that generate breakthrough after breakthrough and help you operate in love, embrace self-love, exude steadfast confidence, and unleash your Sexy Diva.
My overall goal is to spread love and empower women worldwide to embrace their inner Sexy Diva and create a life they love in a Sexy Diva World through Self-Love and Sisterhood Summits, Self-Love and Sisterhood Retreats, Metamorphosis, Sexy Diva Squad, and Diva in Training Foundation.”
Our Mission Statement
Empower and inspire women to discover their authentic self, unleash their Sexy Diva and live life to the fullest with extraordinary love, laughter, and heartfelt joy.
Our Foundation Statement
Every female loves herself, loves her life, and create a life she loves.
Our Vision Statement
We are the tipping point and access for women worldwide to embrace self-love and sisterhood. We are the playground and safe space for women worldwide to release, transform, emerge, and transcend beyond all limits passionately on purpose, in alignment with self and source in a Sexy Diva World.
Sisterhood Creed
I love you, I am you. Me hurting you is me hurting myself. Dishonoring you dishonors me. I am my best self operating in love.
Imagine a world that women not only honor and respect themselves, but also respect and honor other women as collectives. Join the movement. Let’s create a Sexy Diva World together. Take the Sexy Diva Integrity Pledge. Download, sign and post it somewhere visible. Download your free copy below.
A summit is a peak or climax to the highest degree or state possible, the highest point of a hill or mountain. The annual Self-Love and Sisterhood Summit is the spark and catalyst for self-love, self-care, self-compassion, sisterhood, and healing. Women worldwide have access to an in-person and virtual three-day Self-Love and Sisterhood Summit to Release, Transform, Emerge, and Transcend. Click here to learn more.
Quarterly two-day retreat for relaxation, celebration, empowerment, and fun in the process of becoming your highest self in a safe place that embraces self-love and sisterhood. Click here to learn more.
Sexy Diva Squad
This is a monthly support group for women that meets for one hour three times per month virtually with coaches, trainers, and experts to support women in the process of becoming their Sexy Diva. The “Sexy Diva Squad” is a group of fierce, empowered, and purpose-driven women in action, empowered to discover their higher self, master work-life balance, operate in love, and create a life they love. Click here to learn more.
This is an annual three-day retreat for powerful, high-valued women empowered to face fears, embrace self-love, shift mindset, operate in feminine energy to heal and create more love. Click here to learn more.
Intimacy, Love & Sex Crew
This is a monthly support group for powerful, high-value women that meet for one hour three times per month virtually with coaches, and experts to support in the process of transforming personal, financial, business and love relationships. The “Intimacy, Love & Sex Crew” is a group of fierce, empowered, purpose-driven women in action, empowered to master work-life balance, and create a life they love. Click here to learn more.
Diva in Training Foundation
Diva in Training Foundation caters to girls 5-12 and 13-18 years old. We empower girls through activities and curricula to inspire self-discovery and build self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Click here to learn more.
Connect with Us
For further inquiries, feel free to reach out to us.